/* Video CSS Styles */ .responsive-video { width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%; position: relative; } .responsive-video iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } GOOGLE THINKING TO ACQUIRE TIKTOK APP FIREWORK-$100million Deal Aprox. - BlogViper


Monday, October 7, 2019


The news said that Google is thinking to buy short video filming and sharing platform Firework which is TIKTOK, the most popular app these days. Tiktok is also reported in Forbes and according to the Wall Street Journal, the company officials already had a meeting to purchase this California based popular Social Video app.

Google Deals of Tiktok Firework App

Just similar to much popular TikTok, Fireworks also has options to record and share short videos in different segments like fun, real circus, memorable moments etc. Its advance and high tech software allow users to capture both horizontal and vertical based videos at the same time and much more to add in videos.

Tiktok Firework deal by Google

Firework is a great app work from the group of Loop Now Technologies, a creative startup bu ex-co founders of Linkedin and Snapchat It was worth approx $100milion in a fundraising campaign this year 2019. However, the outstanding popular app Tiktok is worth around $75billion approx.

Some other great news are presented here in bullets below:
  1. Weibo has also reported deal talk b/w Google and Firework
  2. Youtube officials are reported to be engaged in this deal.
  3. Facebook is also working on his TikTok competitor app Lasso.
  4. Google+ is shut down and Google entering the new face of apps.
  5. Google's new strategy to face competition
Lasso app
By Cnet.com

Now what you think about whether Google will acquire this Firework app or not?

Comment below and share your views.

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