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Friday, November 9, 2018



1- Meta Tags - How Google Meta Tags Impact SEO

What Are Meta Tags?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.
The only difference between tags you can see (on a blog post, say) and tags you can’t see is location: meta tags only exist in HTML, usually at the “head” of the page, and so are only visible to search engines (and people who know where to look). The “meta” stands for “metadata,” which is the kind of data these tags provide – data about the data on your page.

Do Meta Tags Help SEO?

Yes, they do, but not all of them and not all of the time. One of the goals of this page is to explain which meta tags help you to get the word out and which have become passé. (See Know Your Meta Tags below).

If you want to find out whether a given page is using meta tags.....Read More

2- SEO Meta Tags(Source:www.moz.com)

Meta tags represent the beginning of most SEO training, for better or for worse. I contemplated exactly how to introduce this topic because we always hear about the bad side of meta tags — namely, the keywords meta tag. One of the first things dissected in any site review is the misuse of meta tags, mainly because they're at the top of every page in the header and are therefore the first thing seen. But we don't want to get too negative; meta tags are some of the best tools in a search marketer's repertoire.
There are meta tags beyond just description and keywords, though those two are picked on the most. I've broken down the most-used (in my experience) by the good, the bad, and the indifferent. You'll notice that the list gets longer as we get to the bad ones. I didn't get to cover all of the meta tags possible to add, but there's a comprehensive meta tag resource you should check out if you're interested in everything that's out there.
My main piece of advice: stick to the... Read More

3- What are Meta Tags and why are they important?

Meta Tags have been one of the most basic elements of SEO. It is a must to know for every SEO practitioner. Are meta tags a factor in Google page rank? Is it important? What effect does it have in your site’s SEO?
Meta tags have been around since… Since I can remember. They have been a big part in search engine history. They were valued as a factor in rankings before – until people started abusing their use in getting on top of the SERPs. After that, Google opted meta tags out of the ranking factors. But that doesn’t mean they’re not important anymore. Meta tags still play quite a big role in your site’s SEO... Read More

4- The ultimate guide to meta tags: why they matter and how to optimize them for impact

Whether you work in an agency or in-house, SEO success has a lot to do with influencing other functions, for example, web development, site merchandising, content marketing, PR, etc. As SEO professionals, we do have our own secret sauce to cook with: meta tags.Although meta tags are only used for search engines, they are still an essential part of Google’s core algorithm and must not be ignored. We will go through the most common meta tags and highlight their usefulness so you can easily check if you’re spending enough time where it counts.

Meta tags defined

Meta tags, or HTML elements, are codes of text that help search engines and website visitors better understand the content found on a website page. Meta tags are not the actual content that is featured on the page.
The purpose of meta tags is instead to describe the content. Therefore, these HTML elements are found in the <head> section of the HTML page, not within the <body> section. Since meta tags need to be written in the HTML code, you may or may not be the one implementing the tags, but knowing what’s most essential will set you up for success.... Read More

5- Why Meta Tags Are So Important for Your Online Marketing Efforts(Source:www.neilpatel.com)

Can I ask you a question?
I mean besides that one. What was it that made you click on this article to read it?
Maybe the title caught your eye, or perhaps it was the short blurb you saw.
You might have clicked simply because this article comes from a source you trust.
If you found this article via a search engine, though, none of those reasons explain why you’re reading it.
It’s because I included meta tags.

Meta tags are the foundation of SEO and the first thing you’ll find yourself setting up when building a web page.
Without meta tags, you can’t reach readers organically.
It doesn’t take much time to generate meta tags, but it’s more important than you might think.
That’s because 93% of all online experiences... Read More

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