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Tuesday, October 30, 2018


25 AMAZING Free SEO Tools [2018 Reviews]

25 AMAZING Free SEO Tools [2018 Reviews]
This is a list of the 25 best free SEO tools on the planet.
In fact, these tools have helped my site get 200k+ visits per month.
(Most of which came from SEO)
The best part?
All of these tools work GREAT in 2018.
Let’s get started…

25 Best Free SEO Tools

1. Answer The Public

Find 450+ of keyword ideas in seconds.
Most SEO tools get their data from the same place: The Google Keyword Planner.
Answer the Public is different.
This nifty tools finds questions that people asks on forums, blogs and on social media.
And it turns those questions into awesome keywords:
Answer The Public –
Best Feature: “Vs. Keywords”
You’d be surprised how many people search for “X vs. Y” keywords in Google.
(For example: “iPhone vs. Android”)
And Answer the Public has a section of the results dedicated to “Vs. Keywords”.
Answer The Public –
Which brings us to the 2nd tool on our list…

2. Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

Get a list of SEO improvements in seconds.
This is a very handy Chrome extension.
First, you get an overall SEO score.
Then, the tool shows you EXACTLY how to improve your site’s SEO.
WooRank – Chrome extension
Best Feature: “Marketing Checklist”
Most SEO tools only tell you about problems… not solutions.
What’s cool about Woorank is that it hands you an actionable checklist you can use to fix issues that you run into.
WooRank – Marketing checklist
And now it’s time for our next free SEO tool…

3. Detailed.com

Get intel on your competition.
Detailed gives you a curated list of the most popular sites in your industry.
That way, you can size up your biggest competitors.
(And copy what they’re doing)
Best Feature: “Mentions”
This features shows you who recently linked to (and tweeted about) your competition.
Detailed – Backlinko

4. CanIRank

Quickly answer the question: “Can I rank for this keyword?”.
CanIRank is a super-detailed keyword difficulty tool.
And unlike most tools, CanIRank doesn’t just tell you: “This keyword is really competitive”.
Instead, it tells you whether or not you can rank for that keyword.
Very cool.
Best Feature: “How can you better target this keyword?”
CanIRank isn’t just for sizing up the first page competition.
It also gives you in-depth suggestions to help you rank for that specific keyword.
CanIRank – Keyword probability

5. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Get your site ready for Google’s Mobile-first Indexing.
You might have heard that Google recently made a big change to their algorithm.
(This change is officially called “Mobile-First Indexing”).
The bottom line is this:
If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re in big trouble.
Fortunately, you don’t need a full-time developer to get ready for this update. All you need to do is run your site through the Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
And it tells you whether or not your site is prepared for Google’s new algorithm:
Mobile-Friendly Test
Best Feature: “Page loading issues”
This feature shows you how you can improve your site’s code. That way, Google’s mobile crawler can find and index all of the resources on your site.
Mobile-Friendly Test – Issues

6. Seed Keywords

Find completely fresh keyword ideas.
Most keyword research tools work the exact same way:
  1. Enter a seed keyword into the tool.
  2. Get a list of closely-related terms.
The problem with this approach is this:
Everyone types the same seed keywords into these tools.
Well, Seed Keywords takes a completely different approach.
Instead of pulling seed keywords out of thin air, you ask your customers how they’d search for you online.
SeedKeywords – Scenario
Then, type those seed keywords into your favorite keyword research tool.
Best Feature: “Submit Query”
Once the results come in, you can use SeedKeywords to do a Google search for the keywords that people gave you.
That way you can quickly scan the search results… and see how competitive that keywords is.
SeedKeywords – Results

7. SEMRush

Copy your competitor’s best keywords.
SEMRush might be my all-time favorite SEO tool.
It’s got a paid plan with lots of awesome features.
But the free version is pretty cool too.
Whether you go with free or paid, SEMRush works the same way:
It finds the exact keywords that your competitor’s rank for.
Best Feature: Keyword Magic
Enter a keyword…and get a list of 78,350 keywords!
SEMRush – Keyword Magic

8. Seobility

Get a deep-dive SEO site analysis.
SEObility crawls your entire site and lets you know about search engine optimization issues like:
  • Slow loading pages
  • Blocked pages
  • Sitemap problems
  • Technical SEO issues
  • Lots more
You usually only get this type of stuff from paid SEO tools. So it’s really nice that Seobility gives you this data for free.
Best Feature: Content Report
This report hands you a list of pages that have content-related SEO issues.
(Things like: thin content, missing meta titles, keyword stuffing, and duplicate content)
SEOBility - Content report

9. Keywords Everywhere

Get keyword data from around the web.
Keywords Everywhere has quickly become one of my favorite keyword research tools.
Because it shows you search volume, keyword competition and CPC info… inside of your browser.
That’s right: you don’t need to login anywhere to get this data. You can see keyword info while you shop on Amazon.com, watch videos on YouTube and check your stats in the Google Search Console.
Keywords Everywhere
Best Feature: Bulk Upload
Want to get data on a massive list of keywords?
Well, you can upload a list of up to 10k keywords…
…and get data on every single one:
Keywords Everywhere – Bulk upload


See your site through the eyes of a search engine.
As it turns out, search engines see your site VERY differently than you do.
And BROWSEO gives you the type of x-ray vision that search engines have.
Best Feature: SERP Preview
Get a sweet preview of how your page appears in the search results:
BROWSEO – SERP preview
Helpful for figuring out if your title and description tag are not only SEO-friendly… but designed to get clicks.

11. Ubersuggest

Scrape Google Suggest for hundreds of keyword ideas.
Ubersuggest is simple:
Type in a keyword.
And Ubersuggest scrapes HUNDREDS Google’s autocomplete keywords for you.
(You also get info for each keyword… like CPC, search volume and more)
Best Feature: Negative Keywords
This feature lets you filter out terms that you don’t want to see.
For example: filtering out keywords that use the term “free” or “paid”.
UberSuggest – Negative keywords

12. Google Search Console

Get SEO help straight from Google.
No list of free SEO tools would be complete without the Google Search Console.
The GSC is a VERY feature-rich piece of SEO software. And unlike pretty much every other tool on the market, you know the data is legit.
(After all, it comes from Google)
For example, you can use the Google Search Console as a rank tracker to check your site’s rankings in the SERPs.
Google Search Console – Rank checker
Best Feature: Index Coverage Report
The Index Coverage Report gives you a list of pages on your site that aren’t getting indexed.
You can also see how you can get things back on track.
Google Search Console – Index coverage report

13. Keyworddit

Scrape keyword ideas from Reddit.
Keyworddit is pretty darn cool.
This nifty little SEO tool scrapes terms that people use on specific subreddits.
And if you spend a few minutes with this tools I can almost guarantee that you’ll uncover a handful of excellent keyword ideas.
Best Feature: Context
This feature gives you a list of Reddit threads where that keyword was used. That way, you can see how people use that keyword in their online conversations.
Keyworddit – Context

14. Screaming Frog

Find and fix technical SEO issues in seconds.
Let’s face it:
Finding technical SEO problems on your site can be a HUGE pain.
Enter: Screaming Frog.
This nifty tool crawls your site using a Google-like crawler. And it generates a report of potential issues (like HTTP header errors, javascript rendering issues, bloated HTML, and crawl errors).
Screaming Frog
Best Feature: Discover Duplicate Content
As you might have heard, Google HATES duplicate content.
Fortunately, you can use Screaming Frog to quickly ID pages with duplicate content.
Screaming Frog – Duplicate content

15. Google Analytics

See how people find and interact with your site.
Google Analytics isn’t really an SEO tool.
But it’s almost impossible to run an SEO campaign without it.
You need the data in Google Analytics to see whether or not your SEO efforts are paying off.
I’m talking about data like:
  • Organic traffic
  • Bounce rate
  • Traffic sources
  • Time on site
  • Page speed
Google Analytics
Best Feature: Google Analytics and Google Search Console Integration
Google Analytics is super powerful on its own.
But when you combine it with the Google Search Console?
It’s even MORE powerful.
Linking your GSC account with GA hooks you up with helpful info, like the keywords people use to find your site, your organic CTR, and more cool stuff.
Google Analytics – Google Search Console

16. Keys4Up

Generate a list of untapped keyword ideas.
Keys4Up uses a proprietary algorithm to generate “lateral” keyword ideas
For example, when you type “Content Marketing” into the tool, you DON’T get a list of variations of that term.
(Like: “Content marketing strategies”).
Instead, you get keywords that people would associate with that term:
Best Feature: Keyword Export
The one downside of Keys4Up is that you don’t know how many people search for the keywords that it gives you.
Fortunately, you can export your keywords to a CSV… and upload that CSV to another SEO tool that does provide monthly search volume.
Keys4Up – Export

17. Yoast WordPress Plugin

The best SEO plugin for WordPress.
If your site runs on WordPress, you need to install Yoast ASAP.
It’s by far the most robust SEO plugin on the market.
The best part? It’s 100% free.
Best Feature: XML Sitemap Generator
Sitemaps help Google and other search engines find, crawl and index all of the pages on your site.
And with the Yoast plugin, you don’t have to tinker with your sitemap every time you add a new page to your site.
That’s because Yoast updates your sitemap automatically. Cool.
Yoast – Sitemap

18. Panguin Tool

Get to the bottom of a rankings drop.
This tool correlates your search traffic with known Google updates.
Why is this helpful?
Well, if you notice that your rankings dropped around the time of a big Google update, you can figure out what went wrong… and fix it.
Best Feature: Switch Updates On/Off
Panguin makes it easy to zero-in on a specific update.
For example, if you’re a local business that focuses on local SEO, you can only have Panguin ONLY show you Google updates that impacted local results.
Panguin – On/Off

19. Wordtracker Scout

Steal your competitor’s keywords.
Wordtracker scout takes a unique approach to keyword research…
Instead of entering keywords into a tool, Wordtracker shows you the most-used terms on a page.
That way, you can go over to one of your competitor’s pages… and grab the keywords they’re using in their content.
WordTracker Scout
(Note: This is only available as Chrome extension and isn’t supported for Firefox)
Best Feature: Opportunity
Shows you which keywords on your list has the best ratio of search volume and competition.
WordTracker Scout – Opportunity

20. Lipperhey

Powerful website analyzer.
Lipperhey is a full-featured SEO analyzer that doesn’t cost a penny.
Best Feature: Keyword Suggestions
Get a list of keywords to add to specific pages on your site.
(Which can help you get more organic traffic from long tail keywords).
LipperHey – Keyword suggestions

21. Bing Webmaster Tools

Optimize your site for Bing.
Bing Webmaster Tools is basically the Google Search Console… but for Bing.
So if you want to get your site indexed (and ranked) in Bing, Bing Webmaster Tools is a must-have.
Bing Webmaster Tools
Best Feature: Keyword Research Tool
Get keyword ideas (and data) straight from Bing.
And unlike the Google Keyword Planner, the data from Bing is strictly for organic search (not Bing PPC or Adwords).
Bing Webmaster Tools – Keyword Research tool

22. Dareboost

Analyze your site for speed, SEO, security and more.
Dareboost isn’t strictly an SEO tool.
But it does analyze your site for things that indirectly impact SEO, like your site’s loading speed and security.
Best Feature: Priorities
Let’s you know where to start first. Helpful if you’re strapped for time.
Dareboost – Priorities

23. Siteliner

Get a full SEO report for free.
Siteliner scans your site for SEO problems (like blocked pages, messed up redirects and broken links).
Best Feature: Comparison with Other Sites
This lets you compare your site’s loading speed and page size to other site’s in Siteliner’s database. Helpful for benchmarking.
Siteliner – Comparison with other sites

24. KWFinder

No-nonsense keyword research tool.
The best part of KWFinder is how darn easy it is to use.
But don’t less this fool you into thinking KWFinder isn’t powerful. It’s a legit keyword tool that lots of pros use.
Best Feature: LPS
LPS=Link Profile Strength.
This feature basically tells you how many links you’ll need to rank for that keyword.
So if you find a keyword that has a LPS of 50+, you know that you’ll need to do some serious link building to rank for that term.
KWFinder – LPS

25. Varvy SEO Tool

Get a free SEO site checkup.
Varvy is an extremely cool SEO audit tool.
Most SEO analysis tools only give you surface level info.
But with Varvy, you get access to data that most other free tools don’t show you… including mobile-friendliness, missing alt text, HTTPS setup, robots.txt analysis and more.
Best Feature: Google Guidelines
Varvy doesn’t just hand you a list of SEO problems.
It also gives you specific recommendations that you can implement to fix them… straight from Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
Varvy – Google guidelines

Bonus #1. Bulk Google Rank Checker

Simple and accurate rank checker tool.
If you want to see where you rank for a specific keyword in Google, you definitely want to use a rank tracking tool.
This free tool makes the process a cinch (and you can check up to 10 keywords for free).
Bulk Google Rank Checker
Best Feature: Search Engine Rankings
See where you rank in the SERPs… and where your competitors rank.
Bulk Google Rank Checker – SERPs

Bonus #2. LSI Graph

Advanced content optimization.
LSI keywords can help take your on-page SEO to the next level.
And that’s exactly what LSIGraph is designed to do: it creates a list of LSI keywords that you can sprinkle into your content.
LSI Graph
Best Feature: Analysis
Analysis lets you dig deep on an LSI keyword from your list. That way, you can find even MORE awesome LSI keywords to use.
LSI Graph – Analysis
Anything I Missed?
So those are my favorite free SEO tools.
And now I’d like to hear from you:
Are there any tools that you love… but didn’t see on this list?
Or maybe you have a question.
Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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